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GLARAC David Emery & Martindale

Published: 09 May 2024

Dear members.


On Thursday May 2nd, the funeral of our much loved chairman and treasurer David Emery MBE took place at Carmountside Cemetery in Stoke-on-Trent. See front and back cover of Davids' funeral service, attached below.


The service was well attended, led by Davids' wife Dorothy, son Steve and other close relatives. Also present were members of the RNA, RBL, GLARAC and family friends.


The Rev. Chris Brown conducted a moving service which included a history of Davids' achievements, which were very impressive. We entered the church to the tune of "I Will Alaways Love You" by Dolly Parton, and during the service sang the hymns "The Lord Is My Shepherd" and "Make Me The Channel Of Your Peace". At the end of the service, we exited the church to music by the band of His Majestys' Royal Marines playing "A Life On The Ocean Wave". A fitting finale for a former "bootneck" who had long and distinguished service as a bandsman in the marines.


David will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He will be missed for his enthusiasm, knowledge, friendliness and helpfulness. A sad loss of a really nice man who will always be remembered with a smile. RIP David Emery MBE.




On Sunday, May 5th, myself, John Clarke and Johns' wife attended a memorial service for all our brave relatives at The Church of St. Peters' in Martindale. Members will be aware that this is the location of the stained glass window dedicated to the crew of HMS Glorious and all those lost on June 8th 1940. The window was paid for by the family of Lt Cdr Parkin of the FAA, who was a resident of the parish and lost on Glorious. Please see attachments below.


The service was an excellent memorial to all our brave boys. The Rev Geoff Wilding gave an excellent account to the congregation of the sad events on June 8th 1940 and there was lots of interest from people. Sadly, there was only three of us from GLARAC, but the main thing is that we always remember our brave boys with pride, and we did that at St Peters' in Martindale. If you are able to get to this church, it is well worth the visit. The church is never closed, so access is always available. I am told the door closes very tightly, so if you do go, it isn't locked, just give it a good push!


Thanks everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing you in Plymouth this year, if you are going. Take care and best regards,


Vinny Marcroft, Secretary & Treasurer, GLARAC.


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