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S Lt  G.P.C. Williams 826 NAS - help wanted
25 Jun 2024

S Lt G.P.C. Williams 826 NAS - help wanted

Researching the Battle of Matapan and would like to find a photograph of Sub Lieutenant G.P.C. Williams of 826 Squadron who is one of the likely candidates for the torpedoing of the cruiser Pola during the dusk action.

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Weymouth Sea Cadets - Chairman Sought
21 Jun 2024

Weymouth Sea Cadets - Chairman Sought

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Dhofar War and the First Gulf War - help wanted
18 Jun 2024

Dhofar War and the First Gulf War - help wanted

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Help wanted - looking for a helicopter pilot from 1982
02 Jun 2024

Help wanted - looking for a helicopter pilot from 1982

Dave Beardsley is trying to track down a helicopter pilot from 1982 in Truro hospital

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Lt Alan Lockey  -   seeking whereabouts
09 May 2024

Lt Alan Lockey - seeking whereabouts

Alan was a Sea King SAR pilot involved in the Cairngorm Plateau disaster in November 1971.

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