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Help is here

Published: 19 Jul 2024
Help is here – aircrew from 814 Naval Air Squadron played the good guys this week, swooping in to ‘rescue personnel stranded behind enemy lines’.
Strictly speaking it was only an exercise on the north coast of Cornwall, where personnel from across the armed forces were learning the skills of SERE – survive, evade, resist and extract.
In this scenario, the Merlin helicopter from RNAS Culdrose played the role of the ground force extraction team. The ‘isolated personnel’ havecalled in the helicopter on their radio and are seen holding out their hands in a non-threatening posture, ready for pick up.
The course by Defence SERE Training Organisation from RAF St Mawgan was teaching new instructors.
Our aviators were happy to help, practising a confined area landing on the MOD land at Penhale, near Newquay, and how to efficiently load troops into the aircraft.
Using a real helicopter adds realism and is great training all round for these potentially life-saving skills.
Pictures: Cpl Thomas Cann


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